At Home with the Lectionary

Year C, 5th Sunday of Easter

May 05, 2022
At Home with the Lectionary
Year C, 5th Sunday of Easter
Show Notes Chapter Markers

In this episode, we discuss the readings for the fifth Sunday of Easter (Year C in the lectionary cycle): Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6: John 13:31-35.

We consider what it means to be Jesus' children marked by His love that we have for one another, the glorious heart-longing promises ofRevelation 21, the hymnody of all creation commanded to praise the Lord, and the early church's unshakeable trust in the Spirit's guidance and remarkable joy over the inclusion of the Gentiles.

Other notes:
Kemper Crabb's The Vigil
Dr. Bruce Waltke's An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach

Our outro music is an original song by our friend Dcn. Jeremiah Webster, a poet and professor whose giftedness is rivaled by his humbleness. You can find his published works, including After So Many Fires, with a quick Google.

John 13:31-35
Revelation 21:1-6
Psalm 148
Act 11:1-18