At Home with the Lectionary

Year B, Easter Sunday

Fr. Aaron Burt and Marissa Burt

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In this episode, we discuss the readings for Easter Sunday, Year B in the Lectionary cycle: Isaiah 25:6-9; Acts 10:34-43; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8.

We consider Psalmist's and Isaiah's gorgeous words describing the fulfillment of long-awaited hope, Peter's and Paul's encapsulation of the Gospel available for all, and Mark's cliffhanger storytelling.

--Marissa's reflection on the women at the tomb.
--Ari Lamm's thread on Cain and Abel
--Aaron song (will add once he can locate it - haha!)

You can also listen to our homespun pandemic-friendly two-part reader's theater version of the passion narrative here.

--Prayers of the People for Easter Sunday
--Making an Easter garden with children
--Dwell App
--The Bible Project
--Bible Project's video on the crucifixion of Jesus
--Bible Project's video on the resurrection of Jesus

3:10 Collects
Isaiah 25:6-9
Acts 10:34-43
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Mark 16:1-8

Our outro music is an original song by our friend Dcn. Jeremiah Webster, a poet and professor whose giftedness is rivaled by his humbleness. You can find his published works, including After So Many Fires, with a quick Google.

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