At Home with the Lectionary
At Home with the Lectionary
Year C, Third Sunday of Epiphany
Join Fr. Aaron & Marissa Burt for this week's episode, in which they consider the readings for the third Sunday of Epiphany: Nehemiah 8:1-12; Psalm 113; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Luke 4:14-21.
They discuss Nehemiah's return and Ezra's public reading of the Law, the Psalm's parallels with Hannah's song, Paul's metaphor for the body of Christ, and Jesus' announcement of Jubilee.
--Dwell App
--Prayers of the People for Epiphany
--2019 Book of Common Prayer
--NT Wright's "For Everyone" Set - unfortunately it's no longer on sale, but keep an eye out—last Thanksgiving it was available for $5.99.
--Epiphany, by: Fleming Rutledge in The Fullness of Time IVP series
--Marissa's article on the suffering Body of Christ
The Bible Project
--Bible Project's class on spiritual gifts
3:28 Collect
3:54 Nehemiah 8:1-12
22:00 Psalm 113
29:28 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
40:35 Luke 4:14-21
Our outro music is an original song by our friend Dcn. Jeremiah Webster, a poet and professor whose giftedness is rivaled by his humbleness. You can find his published works, including After So Many Fires, with a quick Google.