At Home with the Lectionary
At Home with the Lectionary
Year C, Seventh Sunday of Epiphany
Join Fr. Aaron & Marissa Burt for this week's episode, in which they consider the readings for the seventh Sunday of Epiphany: Genesis 45:3-11, 21-28; Psalm 37: (1-7) 8-18; 1 Corinthians 15:35-49; Luke 6:27-38.
We discussed Joseph's reuniting with his brothers, the Psalmist's instruction to fret not in the face of evil and instead obey and trust God, Paul's discourse on the resurrection of the body, and Jesus' teaching on loving enemies.
--Dwell App
--Prayers of the People for Epiphany
--2019 Book of Common Prayer
--Ari Lamm's thread on Joseph and Jacob
--Epiphany, by: Fleming Rutledge in The Fullness of Time IVP series
The Bible Project
--Bible Project's video on the Sermon on the Mount
--Bible Project's video on Psalm 1
2:11 Collect
2:48 Genesis 45:3-11, 21-28
22:32 Psalm 37: (1-7) 8-18
33:35 1 Corinthians 15:35-49
45:44 Luke 6:27-38
Our outro music is an original song by our friend Dcn. Jeremiah Webster, a poet and professor whose giftedness is rivaled by his humbleness. You can find his published works, including After So Many Fires, with a quick Google.